I found a prayer today that I believe all of us at Florence can pray together. While we do not agree on the science of climate change, our love and care for creation is a core value for all. If we believe that the intention of our hearts does impact not only our actions but the spirit of our community and planet, then this prayer is a doorway. We unite with praying people around the globe. Join me in praying through the weekend if you are so lead.
"May the leaders of nations hear and obey our call,
creating an agreement to safeguard the climate future of Earth.
May they be guided by wisdom over short-sightedness,
choosing to preserve life over national advantage. "
"May we each and all seek and be empowered
to change our lives and old wasteful habits,
and realize that we are One Humanity, with a common fate,
living on a shared and sacred planet."
For more information go to contact@globalcalltoprayer.org